I recently returned from a trip to the river Tay where I fished on the Taymount beat..Four fish in three days was my return all coming […]
Check out my post on the John Norris web site blog page detailing my favourite lines for Salmon fishing www.johnnorris.co.uk For further information on these products […]
I recently spent a few days on the River Spey / Castle Grant beat chasing these elusive bars of chrome. Hope you enjoy taking a look […]
Good Tips On How To Handle Fish Never lift a fish out of the water by holding the belly area. You will almost certainly damage internal […]
I recently returned from a few days fishing on the River Tay in Scotland. I fished the Taymount beat where my good friend and fellow Guideline […]
I am pleased to announce I have been approved as the official ambassador for the FFI in the UK. This was passed by the board of […]
I recently returned from a hosted trip I ran to fish the West Ranga river in Iceland. Whilst I was there the lodge offered me more […]
This is a list of my 2020 demonstrations. If would like more information on these events please don’t hesitate to contact me. There is several more […]