Gordy Hill
International Federation of Fly Fishers Event Ireland
23/02/2016I have been asked numerous times over the last few months which rod I would choose to do a single handed exam eg GAIC, APGAI, AAPGAI, AAPGAI MASTER, IFFF, EFFF or any other qualification I may have missed. The simple answer is there are many rods out there which will do the job but it all comes down to personal feel. My personal choice would be the Sage XP 9ft 6w which is now discontinued, although you can still pick them up on ebay etc. I honestly think Sage made a big mistake discontinuing this rod, they could have face lifted it to make it more current rather than discontinuing it. I don’t think they have ever quite replaced it. My other choice would be the Guideline Fario CRS 9ft 6w. This rod is a lot more current, launched in 2015 and designed by Guideline /Chris Rownes IFFF MCI. This rod is a dream to cast and will do any exam in the world. It is the nicest rod I have had in my hand in a long time and working out of Fly Only I get the opportunity to look at and test lots of equipment. It really is a credit to the guys who designed and manufactured it. My advice would be test as many rods as you can before you make your choice but the two mentioned above are definitely worth a look. Anybody looking to buy a Guideline Fario contact Fly Only as I know they stock them.
www.flyonlyonline.co.uk Tel 01484 600555.