I recently created a video for Guideline, talking you through my early season French leader setup.
Some great tips to help you connect with more trout this season.
Guideline NT8 13 ft 9 inch 6 piece / Vosso HD reel / 4D line - multi tip system. This is my favourite Salmon set up. I love the rod. The reel for me is the best looking Salmon reel on the market and the line in my humble opinion is the best Salmon line Guideline have ever produced. Check these products out at www.guidelineflyfish.com
Chris Hague of Guideline Power Team dry fly fishing on the river Derwent,. Using the new Guideline 9 ft 4 w Elevation rod, paired with the Guideline Fario Elite line
The ultimate fishing- and casting experience. Fario NT8’s smooth action and the fact that they are made of Silica Nano Matrix give you uncompromised sensitivity, line control and blank strength in all aspects of your fishing....
Marina Gibson did a 5 minute interview in Salmon & Trout September 2019 edition in which she very kindly mentioned me. Check out the interview below. […]
FFI Event 25/26/27/and 28/07/2019 I was recently part of a team of assessors that worked at the FFI (Fly Fishers International) event on the banks of […]
I had the pleasure of Malcolm Brandon up today from Bedfordshire for a six hour session. Malcolm booked me after watching my demonstration at the London […]
Posted from flyfishingwithchrishague.co.uk Great weekend spent at the John Norris Show. Demonstrating and running workshops on both days was the schedule for the Guideline Team. This […]